Intro to Creative Programming

RISD Digital+Media, Fall 2013

Looking for help? Try the Google group discussion!

Assignment 1: DUE 9/18

Assignment 2: DUE 9/25

Assignment 3: DUE 10/2

Midterm: DUE 10/16

Midterm review:

Present a concept sketch, and explain how you envision it developing over the next 6 weeks for the final project. You will have 10 minutes for presentation+feedback, a guest critic will be present to help ask questions. It could be installation, we have green room booked, and room 305 annexes.

Final project:

Timeline: DUE 10/23

Please send us any screenshots, pdfs, or links of midterm work.

The next six weeks will be about developing your proposals into the final project, and the structure will be a mix of studio time, individual and group meetings, and some tutorials. See below for the assignment for next week, let us know if you have questions.

Timeline / project breakdown:

Take a stab at breaking down your project idea into isolated problems, tasks, or components to figure out. These components may need to be further broken down into subparts. Then make a detailed schedule for the next six weeks. Right now, we are planning on having two weeks of final reviews, more about this later, but for now make your timeline to have your project finished for class on 12/4. We will review individually with you in class this week.

Things to include:

Note that the main deadlines from here on out will be your own. The only thing we are assigning for weds is the timeline, but it would be a good idea this week to continue with technical development of your projects as well!

Progress update 2: DUE 11/6

Make an index.html page in a folder called /final on your FTP. Make an entry in the page with your week's progress on your final project. Include any pictures, text or links that are relevant. Email the link to Lauren or Evelyn by 11am on 11/06/13.

Read these two articles for discussion next week:
Digital Divide by Clare Bishop
Do Artists Actually Confront Our New Technological Reality?

Progress update 3: DUE 11/13

Make an entry in the page with your week's progress on your final project. Include any pictures, text or links that are relevant.

Progress update 4: DUE 11/20

Final: DUE 12/4

Final reviews!