RISD DM2132 Code as Medium

Evelyn Eastmond eeastmon@risd.edu
Studio: Monday 8am - 1pm
Room: CIT, Room 302
TA: Tim Wang twang01@risd.edu
Office Hours: Wednesday 1pm - 3pm
Room: CIT 4th floor, windows
Overview | Schedule | Assignments | Examples | Resources | p5.js

1: Basic Drawing

2: Setup/Draw, Scope

3: Mouse Interaction

4: Keyboard Interaction

5: For Loops

6: Conditionals (if) and Logic Operators

7: Drawing Web Images

(some image links may not work)

8: Drawing Text

9: Motion

10: Transforms

11 : Map, constrain, distance

12: Functions

13: Arrays

14: Pixels

These examples require a server to run, for security reasons

15: Touch Interaction

Try these on a touch-enabled device such as a smartphone or tablet!

16: Classes and Objects

17: Processing to p5.js

18: HTML manipulation with p5.dom.js

19: Third-party JS Libraries: Buzz

Check the Creative Coding JS Libraries in the Resources page for links to some creative coding JS libraries

A good JS library is easy to download and has good documentation.

To use a third-party JS library:

  1. Find a library with proper download links and documentation
  2. Download the library .js file and put in your sketch folder
  3. Include the library at the top of your .html file
  4. Use the code in your setup() function or event handler functions

How to use the Buzz audio library:

20: Asynchronous loading and JSON

To run these examples locally on your machine, you must install a local server.
Instructions on how to install/run a local server.