TA: Tim Wang
Office Hours: Wednesday 1pm - 3pm
Room: CIT 4th floor, windows
Week 1: 2/16
- Course sign-up.
- Overview of syllabus and course.
- Discussion:
- Why are you taking this studio? What would you like to make?
- What does medium mean to you and why?
- What does code mean?
- How do computers work? What is a computer?
- Where have you seen code used in your field, favorite example?
- Conditional Design - code as instructions.
- Getting started in p5.js!
Assignment 1: DUE 2/23
Week 2: 2/23
- Sign-up for reading discussion.
- Sign-up for Slack and join the risddm2132 slack.
- Class share of inspiration links on Slack.
- Assignment 1 CRIT
- Getting started in GP!
- Download GP
- Make a GP project around the theme of Discomfort.
- Discussion:
- p5.js vs. GP - what's the difference?
- Critique of GP with John Maloney
- How does this compare to the media you are used to?
- p5.js:
Assignment 2: DUE 3/2
Week 3: 3/2
- Card access?
- Assignment 2 CRIT
- Visit D+M Equipment Closet and Library
- p5.js:
- Discussion:
- (Evelyn) The Queen of Code
- (Evelyn) Digital Divide
Assignment 3: DUE 3/09
Week 4: 3/9
- Beyond CodePen:
- HTML, CSS, JavaScript, canvas tag and linking fonts.
- Download and install Sublime Text
- What is FTP?
- p5.js:
- Math, physics and trigonometry:
- Example 11: Map, constrain, distance.
- Example 9: Motion: velocity, bounce, sin/cos, random motion.
- Example 10: Transforms: translate, rotate, scale, order of operations.
- Example 12: Functions: code reusability, parameters, return values.
- Discussion:
Readings: DUE 3/16
Week 6: 3/23 | SPRING BREAK | NO CLASS
Week 7: 3/30 | MIDTERM DUE
Week 8: 4/6
- Individual meetings / timeline review
Week 10: 4/20
- p5.js:
- Example 16: Classes and Objects
- Example 18: Your first library - p5.dom.js: Create, find, manipulate HTML elements on the page.
- Example 19: Third-party libraries in JS: how to find them, how to include them, how to use them.
- Discussion:
Week 13: 5/11

Week 14: 5/18